Are you so ready to have a baby and it’s not happening as quickly as you’d like?


Are you wondering what is going on with your hormones, and if you are even ovulating?

And wondering you really need to eat a cup of sunflower seeds a day? (The answer is no, by the way)

Maybe you’ve been told IVF/IUI are your only options and you’re not sure if you’re ready for that? OR,  you are starting IVF/IUI and you want to do everything possible to support the best outcome


You are not alone. And, you are in the right place.

The Path to Optimal Fertility is your solution to...

optimize your vitality and fertility

take control of your reproductive health

finally get pregnant, stay pregnant and have a healthy baby

It is possible with the right tools and guidance from an experienced expert with proven success.

I've got your back.

As a Board-Certified Fertility Specialist, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and Ayurvedic practitioner, with decades of experience in women's health and fertility, I’ve got your back.

I’m also the author of Yoga Mama, Yoga Baby; Ayurveda and Yoga for a Healthy Pregnancy and Birth, and best of all, a mom.

I’ve helped hundreds of women who have struggled with infertility to finally have a baby.

I’ve seen it all and have personally gone through the devastation of pregnancy loss, hormonal struggles, secondary infertility and had a “geriatric pregnancy”. I get it.

And that’s why I created this course. I’ve seen too many women and couples struggle with fertility, not know where to begin, who to trust, feel frustrated and hopeless.

I’ll give you the tools I’ve used over and over again in my practice to help folks finally have a baby.

These methods have been clinically proven to be successful and are backed by solid research and evidenced based medicine. 

I’m excited to share this knowledge with you!

I’m trusted and recommended by OB/GYN doctors, Reproductive Endocrinologists, and Fertility Clinics.

I’m part of a small group of SKILLED CHINESE MEDICINE CLINICIANS and educated RESEARCHERS who contribute to the current body of knowledge with cutting edge innovations and INTEGRATIVE, EVIDENCE BASED care in reproductive medicine.

I’ve been in field of integrative women’s health for over twenty years.

I’ve developed a unique blend of Eastern Medicine with Evidenced Based Medicine to help you get to the root cause of your fertility challenges with solutions.

I’m 100% committed to excellence and helping you fulfill your dream of becoming a mom and growing your family.

I’ve seen everything presented in this course work time and time again!


your first ultrasound

baby bump

new born clothes (and they are oh so cute!)

the newborn smell

finally holding your baby

your family feels complete

The Path to Optimal Fertility

is a step-by-step, self-paced program where you will be walked through all the key pieces of health and wellness to optimize for your fertility.

You will receive a blend of videos, downloads, charts, and other supportive tools to help you along the way. Every module is backed by current evidenced based-research with loads of studies cited throughout the course.


The Path to Optimal Fertility then gives you the steps to take action, at home, to restore health, balance hormones and treat underlying imbalances, boost fertility, get pregnant and carry a baby to term.

It’s time to finally understand your body, get answers and take actions to take control of your health.


  The Path to Optimal Fertility Introduction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Fertility Rhythms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Fertility Boosting Diet
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Healthy Fertile Lifestyle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Fertility Lab Testing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Traditional Chinese Medicine Fertility
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Men’s Corner
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7: Optimizing IVF/IUI
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

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“I am so thankful that I came to Margo at Wild Rose Medicine last year as she has truly changed my life for the better. We struggled with infertility, were going through IVF and had multiple unexplained miscarriages over the years. Now I am so grateful to say this baby stuck and I am almost 20 weeks pregnant! I truly believe this success is directly related to my work with her - that is the only part of our protocol that changed between multiple losses and unsuccessful retrievals and our success.

I cannot recommend Margo/Wild Rose any more highly – she is the absolute best!! – A.M.

“I sought out Dr. Margo after being diagnosed with endometriosis and learning that IVF would be our best shot at having a baby (pun intended for all you IVF warriors our there). We were very fortunate that we became pregnant on our first round of IVF, and I believe that taking a holistic approach attributed to that success.

I am truly thankful for all that Dr. Margo did for me both before and during my pregnancy. We are now the proud parents of a very happy 11 month old, and I know that Dr. Margo will be an important part in growing our family in the future.” M.Y. 

It has been such a blessing to work with Margo. She has dramatically improved my life. Margo is kind, professional, provides comprehensive care, and is totally dedicated to health. I appreciate Margo’s evidence-based and holistic approach to wellness. She addresses each body system separately as well as collaboratively to ensure my entire body is supported. I cannot say enough good things about working with Margo and would highly recommend her services! ” L.M.

“I have had one of the brightest, most positive experiences working with Margo. Her knowledge and passion shines through ....I’m actually mind blown at the results I’ve experienced ....I know my birth experience was a positive one because of her work.” K.S.

The Path to Optimal Fertility is

for you if:
✅ You’re ready to get pregnant now
✅ You want expert guidance from someone who knows what works
✅ You want to start a family in the future
✅ You’ve suffered from miscarriage (s) or second trimester losses
✅ You’ve already tried IVF or IUI and have had failed cycles
✅ You are going to start IVF or IUI and want to optimize your health for the best outcomes
✅ Your AMH level is low
✅ Your labs look normal and you’re not sure why you’re still not pregnant
✅ You are not sure if you’re ovulating
✅ You have other reproductive concerns that may be impeding your fertility
✅ You’re ready to be empowered
✅ You are excited to take an active role in your health and wellness and are committed to making some changes in your day-to-day living

This course is not for you if:
❌ You do not want to learn about your body and how to optimize your wellness and fertility
❌ You don’t want to make any changes to your diet or lifestyle
❌  You are looking for one pill to fix the problem 

"Dr. Margo was an invaluable resource to me during my pregnancy journey. Her work was recommended to me by a friend and thanks to her, I skipped the medical route altogether. 

She gave me supplements and we started weekly treatments to encourage my fertility (I was 39.) She gave us very helpful advice about monitoring my ovulation and timing our lovemaking to maximize our chances of conception. I have to believe this helped, because we conceived within two months of working with her! It felt like our baby had just been waiting for us to say we were truly ready. 

I was terrified of miscarriage, to the point that I almost expected it to happen, since it was my first pregnancy. Her focus was on supporting and nourishing the pregnancy. We also bought her book Yoga Mama, Yoga Baby, and did exercises and meditations from it throughout the pregnancy. 

This helped put me in a calmer and more confident state during my pregnancy, and it was a smooth and easy one, with no major complications.

Dylan is a happy and healthy 11-month old now!"

“Working with Margo helped me manifest my destiny in becoming a mother.

I struggled with fertility and PCOS. For years I was unable to conceive naturally; it was exhausting and deteriorating over time.

Because of Margo, I was able to conceive naturally!

I gave birth to healthy, happy baby boy thanks to Margo and her amazing care. Margo has a wealth of not only knowledge and experience, but care and understanding in helping anyone on their fertility journey. Margo is truly a miracle worker and changed my life!” S.G.

What makes this course unique?

-> Blends ancient wisdom with modern science

-> Ancient wisdom from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic Medicine often provide a missing link to challenging health concerns and especially infertility

-> Evidenced Based Medicine (EBM) is woven throughout the entire course

-> Breathing practices, meditations and affirmations are in every module

-> You will receive a blend of videos, demonstrations, handouts, checklists and other supportive tools

-> Tested and approved! This course presents effective solutions that are easy to follow and implement.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this course help me?
This course will help you learn a great deal about your body, how to pinpoint imbalances that may be affecting your fertility and all the steps you need to conceive and carry to term.

How long does it take to complete?
It depends on how quickly you move through the materials. You may cruise through all the course material in a few weeks and then take a few months to implement all the changes.

How long does it take to work?
As a general guide, allow three to six months to fully influence your system. Some women conceive within a month or two and others take six to twelve months. Every single body is unique!

Can you guarantee I’ll get pregnant after this course?
I certainly wish that I could! And don’t believe anyone (or clinic) who tells you they can! I can guarantee that if you follow everything in this course (tips, tools, guides, practices etc.) you will optimize every aspect of your wellness and fertility and have a GREAT chance of having a baby soon.

Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of this course and the complete access after purchasing, we do not offer refunds. Please review all the course offerings thoroughly before purchasing.

Are you ready to stop saying:
 I can’t believe another one of my friends is pregnant, again. And they were not even trying.
 I can’t bear trying for another month and continuing to feel devastated.
 I don’t think my body can do anything again.
 Maybe I’m just not meant to be a mom.

And start saying:
 I’m so much calmer & more confident even though we are still trying.
 I can’t believe how much healthier I feel every day.

First positive pregnancy test in years!!!
 I actually have a baby bump!
 My family feels complete now.

What they're saying...

“Dr Margo provides a wealth of inspiration and understanding and leads you through step-by-step practices with kindness and humor. Whether you are wanting to conceive or simply want to improve your own reproductive health, this course has something for you. It’s a treasure of holistic resources!” DT

“Dr. Margo’s Path to Optimal Fertility course is incredibly thoughtful and comprehensive. Even though it is loaded with an abundance of helpful information, it doesn’t feel overwhelming because it is formatted in easy-to-digest modules.

Dr. Margo presents the information in a way in which the lifestyle changes feel accessible. As a mental health practitioner, I especially appreciated the mindfulness practices and positive affirmations included in each module. That is indicative of all the special touches she adds to this course including a very useful shopping list and recipes/sample menu, as well as journal prompts.

This course is packed to the brim with all aspects of health and makes you feel like you’re equipped with the knowledge to actually make a difference on your fertility journey.” NB

“Dr. Margo’s course is great! She is truly passionate and knowledgeable about fertility and women’s health, and there is so much great material available in this course. I also personally believe that these types of natural methods can be so effective in solving any type of health concern. This course provides a wealth of information and ideas to help anyone struggling with fertility. “ C.N

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